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Monday Handworks/Work From Village/ Walk/Jog - Payment

Once you've registered your child(ren) for Monday Gentle Yoga/Handworks/Work From Village/ Walk/Jog at you can pay for your child(ren)'s spot here. Questions, please reach out to Sandra at or 913.671.2322

*This is for payment for Monday Gentle Yoga/Handworks/Work From Village/ Walk/Jog- Registration is at *

Gentle Yoga: Simple and accessible, yet powerful practices to help find inner peace. This class featyres breath-centered movements adapted for all levels of participation. Each class includes movements/postures, breathing exercises and meditation woven together for an integrated experience. If you do not need child care, please register for the "Monday Gentle Yoga class- No Child Care Needed"

Walk Jog: Enjoy a child-free walk or run in the neighborhoods surrounding the church. Please stay within walking or running distance of the building. Class will still gather on days with inclement weather unless the Shawnee Mission School District cancels school. 

Handworks: Enjoy community and fellowship while your children enjoy making new friends and participating in fun, creative activities in a wonderful child care setting.

All classes will not meet on October 14, and November 25.

Child care reservations required; must register for each child separately. May only register for one Handworks class per semester.